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About Sweet Genie

Sweet Genie was formed by four grown adults, although sometimes you wouldn’t think so.  Whilst it is true that the purpose of the business is to keep us in the manner to which we have become accustomed (and any regular business that tells you otherwise is generally telling you porkies, let’s not kid ourselves), in reality running a business should be, first and foremost, enjoyable.  So we’ve done it just how we wanted to, and we hope that our customers get that.  As a result, we hope that those customers can have fun on our site, find purchasing things from us a pleasurable and non-stressful experience, and enjoy the delightful sweet things which they receive in the mail from us of course.  And if it all proves successful enough that we can finally afford that solid gold toilet we’ve had our eye on, then so be it.

For more information about us as individuals (although that information is obviously, to be fair, almost entirely made up) you can check out the Meet The Team page.

For any general run-of-the-mill questions, you might want to check the Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have any queries which fall outside the scope of what’s shown, be that of a sales, ingredient, customer service or indeed philosophical nature, then you’ll want to Contact Us.

Happy shopping with Sweet Genie!  We hope we make some wishes come true.